Monday 30 December 2013

Page 5 : A New Experience

Looking back on to the past experiences, a different city, a different air, different culture developing the little me to a better person - the person I have become now. 

Thank you to my dad, by profession a teacher provided me and my siblings with the education and discipline, to me is one of a kind, the values that was seldom said but we took it up by example - may be it was in the blood maybe. He was a tutor with no exception - writing this make me think, where am I heading. maybe the same shoes in a bigger place. may God lit the light for this humble being. 

Following him to all the places he has been, teaching, spreading knowledge, collecting deeds. sparing us the best. From the ever changing schooling at my birth town Muar, Johor i did my first primary education in SRK Sultan Ismail, followed by a brief period in Oxford Public Matriculation School, Thanjoor, India for two years with my grandparents. I continued my secondary education in Malacca, just next to the Historical A'Famosa, looking down the hills at SMK St Francis till my higher secondary at SMK Tinggi Malacca, which then i finished at SMK Majakir, Yup right Negeri di Bawah Bayu, Sabah.

Wow...Why that long list? smile... all those places made me better at each turn, my most memorable collection was being a prefect at all the schools, disciplined, on time, almost perfect. Forming the characteristics that you may wonder which book said or showed. sorry friend it was learned the hard way, the diplomatic speech is my favorite. I know i sweep people of the feet, steeling the treasures. Winks.

What is the difference i'm talking about? the people i mean, what is diversity u ask me. and I may tell you education and the way we perceive the people of what they say. When u ask a Malaccan what can we say of ethics. He may just point out at saving the best for yourself but a Sabahan may say getting a descent food tonight. and of course an Indian in the subcontinent has not reached an understanding of the ethics to my conscience. 

Putting that a side, at different places I matured at each steps, at each development I looked at how to improve myself and as well as how much difference I can make at changing the life's of the people I meet, the people that I make contact to. How much that I do that makes people think of a better and changing future? a constant question. Gandhi observed making change of yourself ensures the change of others" 

It was as if the changes and words we say to people make them better, makes them more you, makes them a little different. This made me think what and how can I do it?
In my Bachelors Degree I learned much of the people skills, the skills you don't know when you don't have. But the skills that you notice people don't have when you already obtained it. I took part in as many events I could, I made my self so busy, I couldn't make the time to finish my personal chores, I don't regret the smallest bit of the time and energy I spent this way.

At each event I learned the steps of being a manager, from the observation to planning, deciding, implementing and evaluation. It was a gruesome but enjoyable process. I contributed much, and I earned the award for the best contribution to the University. 

Leaving that on the sidelines, 
I'm actually thinking of the people that I encountered in this tiring ordeal,  During Bachelors degree, I was with people that would lent me a hand in any situation. we were as one in friendship and hardship, never relenting in taking each others back at times. I miss those days when there was the sense of comradeship among the students around me. 

Not only in class, I also had friends and juniors as well in positions that of co curricular activities, Holding position as a Students Residential Hall Exco, I was lucky to be flanked by people who enjoyed helping each other. In DPP MAS people were endless of the helping hand and Support. I will never forget the President ship at the International Affairs Society of UUM as well, I could name a whole list of quality people that helped the causes of development.

But, when it came to my Postgraduate studies in this same University I left few years back, I'm straddled to see students that keep to themselves, sadly stressful on things that could bring good and benefit to the students. people are jealous for things that should be a common interest matter, students stab each other over issues that can be shared. Why this negativity in a center that could boost the development of all?

I can Only say I felt Morally Obliged to do what I did ~ Nelson Mandela

Pridiv . 31st December 2013 . Tradewinds Student Residential Hall . 1.12am

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